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Perpustakaan, Riset, Jurnal. Lembaga Riset dan Pusat Studi. 6 , IE8 , Opera 9. 2004 - 2015 - Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana Salatiga.
Profesional, Berkarakter dan Berdaya Cipta. Melihat tantangan global, tenaga pendidik dan kependidikan di Indonesia harus dapat bersaing dalam dunia pendidikan. Pendidik era saat ini dituntut untuk tidak hanya memiliki kemampuan mengajar saja tetapi kemampuan mengajar dengan inovatif, efektif, dan. International Conference of Education and Technology for Empowering Agents of Change. FKIP-UKSW Gelar Bedah Buku Ki Hadjar Dewantara.
Until now, EKONOMIKA-BISNIS already indexed in google scholar, Indonesian Scientific Journal Database and Portal Garuda with sunrise periods twice a year.
Is e-journal management and publishing system published by Diponegoro University. Scopus, Compendex, Engineering Village.
Selamat datang di website E-Journal UNSRAT. Website ini berisi kumpulan jurnal akademik yang diterbitkan di Universitas Sam Ratulangi. Welcome to the E-Journal of Sam Ratulangi University. All academic journals published by Sam Ratulangi University will be posted here. Journal of Asean Studies on Maritime Issues. Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan. JURNAL LPPM BIDANG SAINS DAN TEKNOLOGI.
Is to publish theoretical and practical concepts for the application of knowledge within virtual spaces. All methods, including, but not limited to, qualitative, quantitative, field testing, laboratory, meta-analytics, grounded theory, and combinations thereof are welcome.
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